Friday, September 09, 2005

An Ass Kickin'

Had to hand out my first ass-kicking today! We had ordered quite a bit of wood from Stocks, special order and it was to be delivered today. We had a new garbage bin coming this morning (yeah shows up at 6:30AM, are you my neighbor lovin' me right about now? Can you feel the love?) so I had them make an afternoon delivery on the wood. The ambiguous, 12pm to 5pm story. So I come home around 5:20pm, there's no wood! I ask Juan, he has seen nothing and they are waiting to unload the truck and go home! I call over to Stocks, which of course closes at 5pm, no one answers. It's about 5-10 blocks away, so I jump in my car and go over there. Lucky day for them, they were having a company dinner and here I come at almost 5:30pm and start yelling to them thru the closed and locked gate! "A Hey, I was supposed to have a delivery today before 5pm, it's 5:30 and I don't have any wood and my guys are waiting at my house to unload." Of course, they kinda want to give me the deer in the headlights look, huh? One second. Another guy comes over, "Can I help you"? A Yeah, I was supposed to have a delivery today, yadda yadda yadda.....Oh yeah, we got really busy today and it didn't go out. "Say What?" It's not like it was a small order. I said to him "Alberto I spent over $8000.00 in wood, it's not like I'm a nobody. You didn't get to it, ya don't call". I am a little annoyed at this time, I mean you don't even call, you just don't show up? Albert cames back and offered to put the wood on a truck and bring it over now, and you know I didn't hesitate to say yes. Company dinner or not! I have 2 guys waiting at my house to go home! You're darn tootin' I want you to put that shit on a truck and follow me home. And follow me home they did!

Someone finally did alert our salesperson and he came over to me very apologetic. He ran inside to give me a free gift to make up for it! Nice gift, a tool bag, with 10 free saw blades, some gloves and get this...the saw blades were missing!

HD/L/S: 21


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