Tuesday, October 04, 2005

2 wrong brackets, 3 wrong posts and 2 failed inspections later....

Sorry it's been a while since updating, but things have been crazy! So far we have failed two inspections, boo hoo! I have ordered a customer make bracket which was manufacturered incorrectly, twice and I've had to get 3 different pieces of wood to hold the incorrect brackets! Good times , good times! In one inspection, we are now told we have to move the gas line! Great, I called the gas company, it will be 2 or 3 days for somone to call me back! You gotta be kidding me but we are at their mercy! AArg! I was lucky that the guy called me the next day and came out the next day to "take a look at what needs to be done". Then I have to drive to Santa Monica, sign a contract, drive to the complete opposite end of Santa Monica to pay the fee (861.50) in CASH ONLY. So there's a bank trip in there as well! So exhausting and not even a guarantee of a date for the work to be done, "sometime next week". Could be Monday, could be Friday. I wish I could be that wishy washy in my job and get away with it! But we are on our way to hopefully passing inspection on Friday and then we will be able to pour the concrete for our foundation! From that point, things should start to move more quickly, but this piece of the puzzle takes some time. Here's what the guys have been doing for almost a week now. It's one of the reasons I haven't updated, because they have been doing this for a week and it doesn't really look like much is going on.

And check me out having another lovely meal in my "dining room"

HD/L/S/WC: 47


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