Q: What am I going to be wearing for the next 4-6 months?
A: The same thing, over and over again!! Well the inevidible came suddenly this evening. I got the dreaded, we forgot to clean out the closet story at about 6:30pm!!!! You see this whole in the hall way? I know it's hard to see...
On the other side of that long skinny hole is my closet. There is a beam that needs to go there and they need to cut into the closet. It looks like this on the inside of the closet now....
And this is what I was left with when it was all said and done. Are you sitting down?
All those hangers came from those clothes on the bed! WOW! Luckily We had a BIG box laying around and I was able to pack it with all my clothes!
Just close your eyes and say, "Your new closet is as big as your current bedroom, Your new closet is as big as your current bedroom, Your new closet is as big as your current bedroom...."
HD/L/S: 24
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